
Register for Return Visit

Register for First Visit

Recheck or Cancel appointment
(For Return Visit)

Recheck or Cancel appointment
(For First Visit)

Physician’s schedule 01/20 - 01/31 (For First Visit)

Infectious Disease Clinic Morning clinic (08:30-12:00)
01/20 (Mon) 01/21 (Tue) 01/22 (Wed) 01/23 (Thu) 01/24 (Fri) 01/25 (Sat) 01/27 (Mon) 01/28 (Tue) 01/29 (Wed) 01/30 (Thu) 01/31 (Fri)

Chih-Han Juan

Yi-Tsung Lin
Chih-Han Juan
Chang-Phone Fung
Yi-Tsung Lin

Hsin-Pai Chen
Shiang-Fen Huang
Hsin-Pai Chen
Su-Jung Chen
Hsin-Pai Chen

Fu-Der Wang
Nai-Cheng Cheng
Shiang-Fen Huang
Ruay-Wang Duh
Chien Chuang

Infectious Disease Clinic Afternoon clinic (13:30-17:00)
01/20 (Mon) 01/21 (Tue) 01/22 (Wed) 01/23 (Thu) 01/24 (Fri) 01/25 (Sat) 01/27 (Mon) 01/28 (Tue) 01/29 (Wed) 01/30 (Thu) 01/31 (Fri)
Su-Jung Chen

Yi-Tsung Lin

Shiang-Fen Huang
Ping-Feng Wu
Chien Chuang
Chien Chuang
Chih-Han Juan


Jen-Yu Hsu

Ping-Feng Wu

Infectious Disease Clinic Night clinic (18:00-21:00)
01/20 (Mon) 01/21 (Tue) 01/22 (Wed) 01/23 (Thu) 01/24 (Fri) 01/25 (Sat) 01/27 (Mon) 01/28 (Tue) 01/29 (Wed) 01/30 (Thu) 01/31 (Fri)
Lin-Ju Huang

substitute physician
Full and Close


Ping-Feng Wu

   *Click to view physician’s all outpatient date and period , click physician’s name to view his/her profile.
  1. First visitor please fill out the “Patient Registration Form” download here(If you have made an appointment of first-visit registering through the registration website, you don't need to fill in the "Patient Registration Form" when checking in. Please go to the counter and take number directly.),and bring the health insurance card, ID card and related preferential ID card (original) registering on the First-visit registration counter on the first floor of 1st Outpatient Department Building in time(morning clinic: before 11:00/afternoon clinic: before 16:00/night clinic: before 20:00).
  2. Physician status display instructions:
    • Physician's first appointment is full.
    • The Physician asked for leave.
  3. Registration process on the day of your consultation when physician's first appointment is full
    • Fill out the “Patient Registration Form” download here,or take from the counter.
    • Please take your “Patient Registration Form” ,health insurance card, ID card and related preferential ID card (original) registering on the First-visit registration counter on the first floor of 1st Outpatient Department Building in time(morning clinic: before 11:00/afternoon clinic: before 16:00/night clinic: before 20:00).
      (When the First-visit registration counter is out of service ,or there are too many people waiting for checking ,please go to the cashier counter on the first floor of 3rd Outpatient Department Building)
  4. Our hospital does not implement the designated doctor system, this table is for reference only.
  5. We hereby declare if the Physician fails to come to the clinic for some reason, other physician will be arranged to represent you.
  6. Those who have residence permit for foreigners can make an online registration appointment for the first consultation, and bring the original documents to the first floor of 1st Outpatient Department Building for check-in. Foreigners holding passports and other documents will only be registered on-site on the day of consultation.
National ID or Resident Certificate No.: Name:
Date of birth: Year   /    Month   /    Day       Please enter the Common Era
Mobile / landline No.
(fill in at least one) :
Mobile     landline: 
Permanent address: Postal code     Permanent address 
Emergency contact name:     Emergency contact mobile or landline No.:    
Second-hand Smoke Exposure: No   Yes  
Smoking & Tobacco Use: Never smoker   Former smoker (quit smoking now)
Current smoker (Please fill out the following tobacco products you use)  
Smoke Cigarettes Less than one pack a day   More than one pack a day  
Use Electronic Cigarettes (electronic powered vaping devices that produce aerosol by heating a liquid)
Use Heated Tobacco Products (products that use an electronic device to heat a stick of tobacco)
Alcohol Use: Non-drinker    Quit Regular or frequent drinking alcohol  
Betel Nut Chewing: Non-chewer   Quit    Habitual betel nut chewer  
I agree that Taipei Veterans General Hospital can collect, process or use my medical records and related data for medical treatment, care services, or other specific purposes as follows.
Iagree disagree
Under the premise of medical treatment and care services, my medical records and related data collected by Taipei Veterans General Hospital can be provided to all branches (Taipei Veterans General Hospital Suao Branch, Taipei Veterans General Hospital Yuanshan Branch, Taipei Veterans General Hospital Taoyuan Branch, Taipei Veterans General Hospital Hsinchu Branch, Taipei Veterans General Hospital Fenglin Branch, Taipei Veterans General Hospital Yuli Branch, Taipei Veterans General Hospital Taitung Branch) for processing or use by hospital medical information system.(If consent is not given, the medical records and related data collected by Taipei Veterans General Hospital will be unable to provide to all branches for processing or use.)
Iagree disagree
According to article 5 to 9, 16, and 20 of the Personal Data Protection Act in Taiwan, Taipei Veterans General Hospital can notify me that the physician has asked for leave, substitute other physician for original one to consult, health education, health examination, patient associations, hospital news, outpatient schedule, new medical knowledge, teaching activities, care, and satisfaction related information by letters, e-mail, SMS, fax, or telephone.(If consent is not given, Taipei Veterans General Hospital will be unable to notify of the above-mentioned information.)
I have read this document carefully, and have fully understood the content and related rights to provide the above personal data, and I still have the right to review my personal data, to request a copy of my personal data, to supplement or correct my personal data at any time.